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2015-12-31 14:49:37   作者:劉懿   來源:包裝e線   評論:0 點擊:

公司坐落于東莞黃江鎮(zhèn)星光工業(yè)區(qū),占地8000畝,公司成立于2010年,本著顧客是上帝的宗旨,為您排憂解難,公司生產工藝成品和半成品,主營:水刺長中短毛絨,家私布,無紡布,無紡布手提袋,首飾袋,水揉絨,棉底水揉絨,針織長短毛絨,珠粒絨,PVC膠布 PU皮革 PE EAV絨只有想不到,曾出口美國、韓國、印度,巴基斯坦,歐洲等國家和地區(qū),沒有做不到,想您所想,急您所需,歡迎您的來電咨詢,我們竭誠為您服務,聯(lián)系熱線:13600415040 QQ:3118365579
Company is located in dongguan city huangjiang town starlight industrial zone, covers an area of 8000 mu, the company was founded in 2010, in line with the aim of customer is god, for you and the company finished and semi-finished production technology, main: water long short plush, furniture cloth, non-woven, non-woven bag, jewelry bag, water rubbing cloth with soft nap, bottom water knead velvet, cotton knitting wool length, bead cloth flocking, PVC fabric PU leather PE EAV cloth with soft nap is only limited, used to export the United States, South Korea, India, Pakistan, Europe and other countries and regions, no can't do, think what you think, what you need, you are welcome to inquire, we wholeheartedly at your service, contact the hotline: 13600415040 QQ: 3118365579
18782976857 劉懿

相關熱詞搜索:水刺 長毛絨 絨布 無紡布 家私布


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