T9 Premium Tea Legend Collection
The Legend Series are designed for the urban travel enthusiasts and business people who usually pay great attention to quality life and tea tastes both for gift choice and personal enjoyment.
The uniqueness of the design is lited as the follows:
1. The world-known city symbols are applied in the package designs, e.g., the knight and Big Ben for London, elephants for Delhi, lions for Sri Lanka etc., to add the cultrural characteristics to the teas so as to enhance the brand reminding points and match the Legend product line positioning.
2. Gravure printings of fine and elegant texures are applied to high quality black paperboards strictly in accordance with the Pantone colors. The key patterns in raised glidings make the package luxurious and elegant.
3. The tins and packaging boxes in orange are standardized to lower the manufacturing cost.
4. All the finely made packaging boxes are made recyclable for office stationary storage uses.
Miel et Miels
Miel et Miels 禮盒包裝設計
Package Designs for Miel et Miels, the luxurious honey brand from France.VisdomBrand has designed a series of gift boxes for the high-end contomers as shown in the pictures.The Miel et Miels brand is enhanced with the exquitely design of the golden card combined with black stripes which a part of the orgiginal logo. Meanwhile, the whole package design make the characteriscts of the product clearly expressed with the symbolic black and golden stripes that can be easily identified as the image of bees.
The designs are set to match the brand position in the top quality honey market and attractive to the customers. Spectial attention is paid in the designs to the applicabiltiy and generality of the packages with an aim to reduce the final cost in a comrehensive consideration.
The gift boxes are launched simutaneously in the China luxury channels and in the Laffayette, the famous department store in central Paris.
法國Naturalim集團Miel et Miels高端蜂蜜品牌包裝設計,采用細膩的金卡結合簡約的黑色條紋圖案設計,與品牌Logo有機呼應,凸顯了Miel et Miels品牌的形象識別,又鮮明的強化了蜂蜜品類特征,匹配Miel et Miels的頂級蜂蜜品牌定位,魅力十足。采用通用包裝形式有效降低了制作成本。